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List of Accepted Papers

Full Papers

Tunably-Oblivious Memory: Generalizing ORAM to Enable Privacy-Efficiency Tradeoffs
Jonathan Dautrich (University of California, Riverside); Chinya Ravishankar (University of California, Riverside)

The BORG: Nanoprobing Binaries for Buffer Overreads
Matthias Neugschwandtner (Vienna University of Technology); Paolo Milani Comparetti (Lastline Inc.); Istvan Haller (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam); Herbert Bos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Software-Based Protection against "Changeware"
Sebastian Banescu (Technische Universität München); Alexander Pretschner (Technische Universität München); Dominic Battre (Google); Stefano Cazzulani (Google); Robert Shield (Google); Greg Thompson (Google)

CoinParty: Secure Multi-Party Mixing of Bitcoins
Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf (RWTH Aachen University); Fred Grossmann (RWTH Aachen University); Martin Henze (RWTH Aachen University); Nicolas Inden (RWTH Aachen University); Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University)

DBMask: Fine-Grained Access Control on Encrypted Relational Databases
Muhammad Ihsanulhaq Sarfraz (Purdue University); Mohamed Nabeel (Oracle); Jianneng Cao (Purdue University); Elisa Bertino (Purdue University)

Differentially-Private Mining of Moderately-Frequent High-Confidence Association Rules
Mihai Maruseac (UPB); Gabriel Ghinita (University of Massachusetts, Boston)

How Your Phone Camera Can Be Used to Stealthily Spy on You: Transplantation Attacks against Android Camera Service
Zhongwen Zhang (Institute of Information Engineering, CAS); Peng Liu (Pennsylvania State University); Ji Xiang (Institute of Information Engineering, CAS); Jiwu Jing (Institute of Information Engineering, CAS); Lingguang Lei (Institute of Information Engineering, CAS)

Robust Fingerprinting for Relocatable Code
Irfan Ahmed (University of New Orleans); Vassil Roussev (University of New Orleans); Aisha Ali Gombe (University of New Orleans)

StaDynA: Addressing the Problem of Dynamic Code Updates in the Security Analysis of Android Applications
Yury Zhauniarovich (University of Trento); Maqsood Ahmad (University of Trento, Italy); Olga Gadyatskaya (SnT, University of Luxembourg); Bruno Crispo (University of Trento); Fabio Massacci (University of Trento)

Privacy-Preserving Scanning of Big Content for Sensitive Data Exposure with MapReduce
Fang Liu (Virginia Tech); Xiaokui Shu (Virginia Tech); Danfeng Yao (Virginia Tech); Ali R. Butt (Virginia Tech)

HideM: Protecting the Contents of Userspace Memory in the Face of Disclosure Vulnerabilities
Jason Gionta (North Carolina State University); William Enck (North Carolina State University); Peng Ning (NC State University)

Understanding and Communicating Risk for Mobile Applications
Christopher S. Gates (Purdue University); Jing Chen (Purdue University); Zach Jorgensen (North Carolina State University); Ninghui Li (Purdue University); Robert W. Proctor (Purdue University); Ting Yu (Qatar Computing Research Institute)

Identifying and Understanding Self-Checksumming Defenses in Software
Jing Qiu (Harbin Institute of Technology); Babak Yadegari (The University of Arizona); Brian Johannesmeyer (The University of Arizona); Saumya Debray (The University of Arizona); Xiaohong Su (Harbin Institute of Technology)

BigGate: Access Control Framework for Outsourced Key-Value Stores
Erman Pattuk (The University of Texas at Dallas); Murat Kantarcioglu (The University of Texas at Dallas); Huseyin Ulusoy (The University of Texas at Dallas)

DetAnom: Detecting Anomalous Database Transactions by Insiders
Syed Hussain (Purdue University); Asmaa Sallam (Purdue University); Elisa Bertino (Purdue University)

Virtual Resource Orchestration Constraints in Cloud Infrastructure as a Service
Khalid Bijon (University of Texas at San Antonio); Ram Krishnan (University of Texas at San Antonio); Ravi Sandhu (University of Texas at San Antonio)

The Limits of the Trade-Off Between Query-Anonymity and Communication-Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kadhim Hayawi (The University of Waterloo); Alireza Mortezaei (The University of Waterloo); Mahesh Tripunitara (The University of Waterloo)

SemaDroid: A Privacy-Aware Sensor Management Framework for Smartphones
Zhi Xu (Pennsylvania State University); Sencun Zhu (Pennsylvania State University)

On the Character of Phishing URLs: Accurate and Robust Statistical Learning Classifiers
Keith Dyer (University of Houston); Rakesh Verma (University of Houston)

Short Papers

Distributed Search over Encrypted Big Data
Mehmet Kuzu (University of Texas at Dallas); Mohammad Saiful Islam (University of Texas at Dallas); Murat Kantarcioglu (University of Texas at Dallas)

Combining ORAM with PIR to Minimize Bandwidth Costs
Jonathan Dautrich (University of California, Riverside); Chinya Ravishankar (University of California, Riverside)

Password Meters and Generators on the Web: From Large-Scale Empirical Study to Getting It Right
Steven Van Acker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); Daniel Hausknecht (Chalmers University of Technology); Andrei Sabelfeld (Chalmers University of Technology)

Can’t you hear me knocking: Identification of user actions on Android apps via traffic analysis
Mauro Conti (University of Padua); Luigi Mancini (Universita di Roma La Sapienza); Riccardo Spolaor (university of Padua); Nino Vincenzo Verde (Università di Roma Tre)

A Dynamic Approach to Detect Anomalous Queries on Relational Databases
Mohammad Islam (The University of Texas at Dallas); Mehmet Kuzu (The University of Texas at Dallas); Murat Kantarcioglu (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Database Fragmentation with Confidentiality Constraints: A Graph Search Approach
Xiaofeng Xu (Emory University); Li Xiong (Emory University); Jinfei Liu (Emory University)

Towards Server-side Repair for Erasure Coding-based Distributed Storage Systems
Bo Chen (Stony Brook University); Anil Kumar Ammula (New Jersey Institute of Technology); Reza Curtmola (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

Securing ARP from the Ground Up
Dave Tian (University of Florida); Kevin Butler (University of Florida); Patrick Mcdaniel (Pennsylvania State University); Padma Krishnaswamy (FCC)