The 2nd ACM Workshop on Automotive and Aerial Vehicle Security (AutoSec)
In conjunction with
New Orleans, LA, USA Moved online due to the COVID-19.
Workshop Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Postponed to Aug 5th, 2020
with CODASPY'20 due to COVID-19.
Automobiles and aerial vehicles such as cars, buses, trucks, airplanes, and drones make the whole world convenient and connected. In the meanwhile, due to their wide usage and high safety criticality, any security or privacy problems in them pose direct threats to end users and stakeholders. With the recent global interest in developing new technologies around them, for example autonomous driving, drone delivery, and vehicle-to-everything communication, such problems become more critical than ever and thus require immediate attention and discussion in both academia and industry. To meet this
critical need, the second ACM Workshop on Automotive and Aerial Vehicle Security (AutoSec 2020) is organized
to bring together audience including university researchers, scientists, and industry professionals to contribute to new theories, technologies and systems related to security and privacy challenges in automotives, aerial vehicles, and their supporting infrastructures.
AutoSec 2020 will be held
in New
Orleans, LA, USA, on March 18, 2020 online Aug 5th, 2020, in conjunction with the 10th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (
and jointly sponsored by ACM SIGSAC and NSF.
New this year:
All accepted papers will be considered for best paper
awards, sponsored by UCI CS.
AutoSec'20 Best Paper Awards
This year,
2 papers share the highest review score, and thus are both awarded
the Best Paper Award:
- CVShield: Guarding Sensor Data in Connected
Vehicle with Trusted Execution Environment
Shengtuo Hu (University of Michigan), Qi Alfred
Chen (UC Irvine), Jiwon Joung, Can Carlak, Yiheng
Feng, Z. Morley Mao, and Henry X. Liu (University of
- Linear-Quadratic Game Theoretic Analysis for
Securing Battery Management Power Converter Systems
Patrick Gu and Ryan Gerdes (Virginia Tech)
Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USA and Samsung Research, South Korea